Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Beginning

Hello and welcome to my blog, Erika's Style Diary!

I never in a million years thought that I would be starting my very own personal style blog. Back in the day I was not what you would call fashionable. I had cute style, sure, but that style basically consisted of a top + pants + cute shoes + earrings and maybe a necklace. In other words, I had no idea how to layer and didn't own a single cardigan! I would always look at items as individual separates instead of complements to the entire outfit. As a result, I had almost no staples, as every top had to look awesome as a stand alone for me to buy it. It seems so funny to me now that my thought process is completely different.

I guess you could say I was a late bloomer when it came to fashion. I was a tomboy for most of my life, loving to play sports above anything else. Shoes were the only thing that I was picky about ~ they had to have some element of interest for me to buy them. Basic black shoe? No thank you. (Now I know better!) It wasn't until the last few years that I started to realize my outfits were very boring (thank you Pinterest!). Honestly, Pinterest is where I found the world of fashion blogs and awesome style. I would see a cute outfit and would try to copy it with my wardrobe. That meant I had to start buying basics, like a white t-shirt, for example.

After a while I was starting to put together my own combinations of clothes and have steadily built up my collection of basics to choose from while coming up with fun outfits. It's funny, because I've always been known as the girl with the cute shoes. Now I'm recognized for my entire look instead of just my shoes. In fact, friends began to suggest that I start a blog of my own. I thought it could be fun to document how my style has come together and how it will continue to change as my fashion sense evolves over time.

So this is the result ~ my style diary. I hope you enjoy and I can help inspire you as I have been inspired by my favorite fashion blogs!

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